Friday, January 22, 2010

How to Overcome Depression and Anger

Only wisdom can help you if you are depressed and angry because you have lost the most important person of your life. Wisdom explains the meaning of life and death, and gives you many answers to questions you didn't even think of asking. Only wisdom can slap you in the face when you complain, and show you how much you have yet to do and learn.

If you believe you did not deserve so much suffering, you better examine your own psyche because you will certainly discover the reason for your pain in the mistakes you would have made according to your character if you were not prevented to, due to the misfortune in your life. Perhaps this loss was a protection because you could have lost more.

Why you?

Other people are not in so much despair! Everyone lives and laughs...

You want to disappear...

Because, my dear, some people are superficial, other people are artificial and only a few people in our world are genuine. You are an exception: you are alive, you understand, you care, you are not indifferent to what happens in your life, you think and you can feel. You are for real!

Thus, for you life is difficult. You had to lose.

However, you are now wiser only because you know how insignificant you are and how empty life can be. You are not naïve...

Time will pass, other situations and notions will complete your journey and only then will you understand why things had to be so hard for you now that you have begun your journey. Things change a lot, but the human being survives and moves on. There is a future that is completely different from the past, which is waiting for you when you heal your wounds.

Pay attention to your dreams and take notes. The wise and saintly unconscious that produces them is in fact a doctor and a teacher. By translating these strange dream images into words that your conscience can understand, you will be able to develop all your capacities and become more intelligent or even a genius with continual dream interpretation.

Most people care for their dreams only when they are depressed or when they have serious problems, in the same way that they go to the doctor only when they are very sick. But dream interpretation is not only free and safe psychotherapy for you, it is also a treasure you must explore! You can learn whatever you desire and solve all your problems with the guidance of the unconscious.

When you start analyzing your entire life since birth in your dreams, you will forget that you were depressed and angry before. This is a new world, your internal world, which is the most important one for you. Not only will you have the answers for all your questions but also for those you didn't even think of asking.

Through dream interpretation, you will discover the wisdom that will reveal exactly why we pass through pain and what to do in order to live free of suffering and discover true and eternal happiness.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Eliminate Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Everyone is thinking "green" these days. And alternative medicine is a close second! A technique I found very effective recently came to my attention. There seem to be many medical conditions today that are brought on by lifestyle choices. Many of them are unhealthy and some are going out of vogue. Smoking for example.

Years ago my wife suffered from severe bouts of panic attacks; especially in confined spaces like cars or airplanes. This seriously restricted our ability to travel any great distances. Her cousin suffered from agoraphobia and spent countless days indoors totally terrified that whatever she feared, was lurking outside. While I can't say I understand the terror they both had to deal with, I did suffer from the outward manifestations that were exhibited by my wife. I also was dumbfounded by the reported stories about her cousin who suffered from agoraphobia for years and years.

Both of them were given medication by their doctors with the assurance that these drugs would help them cope with their conditions, but I honestly believe that they both outgrew their conditions over time; albeit with short bursts of re-occurrences. To this day my wife is still a little apprehensive about car travel, although I believe that has a lot to do with her involvement in a number of serious automobile accidents. But that story is for another day.

Getting back to the technique I stumbled upon, the Linden Method is in keeping with my strong beliefs that it's your inner self that is responsible for your life's journey. I have understood for years that we all create the reality we live in every day. We do it through beliefs, thoughts and emotions. External events give the appearance of affecting our lives, but a little study of quantum physics should at least give preliminary in-sight that all is not what it appears to be. Much more is at work here, but the surprising fact is that you are the director and producer of this "greatest show on earth", and not the external factors that many of us blame!

So assuming that you take on this responsibility and start to realize that your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and the subsequent actions you take from them is what creates your experience, then the sooner you can begin to cope with some of the challenges that you have brought about. And panic attacks, agoraphobia, anxiety disorder, and OCD are so symptomatic of an underlying cause that can be remedied by the producer of these symptoms.

I urge you to take a peek at this method. With a 100% guarantee and a 96% success rate why would anyone who is really serious about recovering not give it a try. Maybe those phobias are just a comfortable place to stay!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Panic Attack Medications - Why You Don't Need Them

Your doctor's first line treatment for panic attack is usually drug-based medications. These work quite well for many people, but their downsides are that they treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, and, they do have many negative side effects. In addition they can be expensive, especially where they have to be used over a considerable period of time. Here, you'll discover why you don't need panic attack medications to succeed.

First, let's consider how a panic attack occurs...

An attack normally occurs where a sufferer already has much higher-than-normal levels of anxiety. So when an everyday stressful event occurs, such as; shopping in a crowded supermarket, driving in the rush hour, etc., the additional stress pushes their overall anxiety up to such an intensity that a panic attack is triggered.

Nowadays, more and more folks are seeking to eliminate their attacks using totally natural remedies without the bad side effects of drug-based medications. Typical of these are; dizziness, nausea, disorientation, depression, fatigue, blurred vision, light headedness, memory loss, and, in some cases, dependency.

Nevertheless, drugs can be effective short term solutions and are widely prescribed. However, in many cases, after patients come off the drugs at the end of their course, the anxiety and their associated attacks can re-occur, because the root cause hasn't been tackled.

Sufferers are then faced with the choice of going back on drugs where appropriate, or, using other non-drug therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Many prefer to go the therapy route, with CBT and others such as hypnosis, self-hypnosis, meditation, etc. There are also things like yoga, acupuncture and support groups etc.

The aforementioned can be looked upon as techniques to help you cope with, or manage, your general anxiety and panic attacks. But that's all they do; help you cope. And drugs only help you with the symptoms. You want to get to the root of the problem and tackle that in order to get to a successful conclusion...

One of the key elements in arriving at a proper cessation of anxiety and panic attacks is your natural fear of having a panic attack. This can be a conscious or subconscious fear, but, either way, it can hold you back and is at the root of things.

You see, your fear of another attack can be the very thing that causes that panic attack to occur. Try to look at it like this: your understandable fear builds on your already higher-than-normal general anxiety so that a normal, everyday stressful occurrence -- that under normal circumstances you would take in your stride -- can raise your overall anxiety level to such a height that an attack is triggered.

Look on this process as a 'cycle of anxiety' that can be described as; anxiety > panic attack > fear > raised anxiety > panic attack > fear > raised anxiety > and so on. You need to break this vicious cycle in order to prevent further panic attacks and cure your general anxiety.

Now, only you can break the cycle; drugs won't do it and, even with the best therapies to help you, you'll need a great deal of determination and a positive attitude to succeed. But there is a special technique that you can use called the 'One Move' technique that can help enormously.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Anxiety Disorder Child - When Should You Be Concerned?

Children Get Panic Attacks Too: How to Help an Anxiety Disorder Child

It is a common misconception that stress, anxiety and panic attacks only happen to adults, when things like work, family security and monthly bills give them reason to be tense and to worry. Kids, though, also have ample reason to be stressed. Exams, puberty, as well as the yearning to be liked and to be accepted in school can all contribute to a child's anxiety and tension. Most of the time, like the rest of the adult world, children can cope with different stressful situations and rarely do these instances develop into full-blown panic attacks. But there are times though, when we do encounter an anxiety disorder child and the attacks he experiences may even be more damaging than those experienced by adults.

The years before children and adolescents reach their teen years can be a very challenging period. Besides the different physical changes they are undergoing, children are just beginning to learn about the real world and are also wrestling with different new emotions such as jealousy, love and the need to be accepted by their peers. Often, kids are able to handle these emotions well and grow up into confident, successful adults. Sometimes, though, since children still don't have enough experience to properly deal with different stressors, anxiety disorders can develop and they can turn into an anxiety disorder child. If not treated right away the child may grow up bearing more serious disorders and phobias (fears).

An anxiety disorder child also exhibits the same symptoms as adults who experience anxiety attacks. He may have palpitations, feel flushed, have cold sweats and hyperventilate. His attacks may prevent him from enjoying the company of his friends, can interrupt his schoolwork and even make him moody and unpredictable. Early detection of an anxiety disorder child is the best way to help him fight anxiety attacks and prevent them from becoming more frequent or more serious. The following are some signs you can refer to, to see if your kid is developing an anxiety disorder.

• Separation anxiety. Most kids are scared of going to school for the first time and being separated from their parents, but these fears soon vanish when they meet other children and become comfortable in the school setting. Some children, though, still remain clingy and won't allow their parents to leave them in school by crying or by throwing a tantrum. This behavior, called separation anxiety, also occurs whenever the parents leave the child at home or any other place. Crying, tantrums, yelling and screaming are some ways by which a child tries to make his parents stay. A lot of events may cause separation anxiety such as a divorce, changes in routine or the fear of being alone.

• Social phobia. An anxiety disorder child with social phobia is extremely shy to a point that even speaking in front of the class causes him great distress. Sometimes, children with social phobia beg parents to let them stay at home just so they miss school presentations and other events that require them to be in front of a group of people. The symptoms of a panic attack often set in when the child with social phobia is with a group of people or if he is at the center of attention: he starts to shake, his heart races and he feels nauseous or dizzy.

• Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Because children have a different perspective of the world, they often do not realize that they worry excessively about simple things. An anxiety disorder child with GAD might stay up all night stressing over a first date or he may fret too much over an exam that is still a month away.

• Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Certain unfortunate events may set a harmful cycle for children. An ugly divorce, for example, may cause kids to avoid and be scared of certain places that they used to go to as a family. A traumatic car accident may cause children to be extremely fearful of riding any kind of vehicle. Still others who were abused as children may experience recurring nightmares and might be unresponsive to and fearful of adults.

• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This is a common disorder in both children and adults characterized by recurrent fears or thoughts that in turn, cause them to do a particular behavior pattern or action repeatedly. An anxiety disorder child who is fearful of germs, bacteria and of getting sick, for instance, may insist on washing his hands every hour. Children with OCD develop certain rituals, believing that these rituals can keep something bad from happening.

Just because children face seemingly less stressful situations than adults, doesn't mean that they don't have panic attacks. Anxiety and stress can cause as much harm in a child as in an adult. But with enough love, care, respect and proper treatment, even an anxiety disorder child can grow up to be a happy, well-adjusted adult.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Children Can Have Panic Attacks

By Angelica C

Yes, it's true. Children and adolescents can have panic attacks and suffer anxiety disorder. Like adults, our youngsters can experience anxiety and may be so overwhelmed with situations that panic attacks occur. Stressful events like starting school, neighborhood transfers, recent loss of a loved one, separation and divorce or family's financial crisis can trigger the onset of the attacks.

Though panic disorder does not need specific triggering factors, these stressors play a vital role in anxiety disorder development if anxiety and stress levels of our child are left unchecked.

Anxiety disorder among children is marked by poor performance in school, less developed social skills, and frequent tantrums. It is diagnosed in people who suddenly experience these panic attacks, without any particular reason or cause. These people not only experience these panic attacks out of the blue, but they would also continually fear the possibility of having another episode.

This abrupt onset of overwhelming fear comes with physical symptoms like palpitations due to feelings of imminent doom, sweating, uncontrollable trembling, and difficulty in breathing, dizziness or nausea and chest pains. These are also accompanied by sleep disturbance, muscle aches, frequent stomach ailments and clingy behavior.

As symptoms are similar to heart attacks and thyroid problems, people who suffer from these panic attacks may take a long while to be properly diagnosed. The frequency of seemingly life-threatening attacks may take a toll on our kids and on the parents as well.

Since our kids could not effectively convey their emotions, the terror that they experience every time they have the panic attacks is inconceivable. Our kids can feel the same stress and anxiety that adults feel. Yet they could not fully comprehend what we could. Nor can they communicate as easily as most adults could.

If you think your child is among those who suffer from panic attacks, help can be in the form of therapies and medications. It is very important that you have your child properly diagnosed by a licensed physician.

Cognitive behavior therapy has been proven to be the most effective and most recommended kind of therapy, as this focuses on helping the child or young teen to develop and learn skills to manage his anxiety and master the situations that contribute to his panic attacks. Your child may also benefit from taking medications like anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs together with the therapy. This will help our kids be calmer and more at ease.

Parents play a significant role in spotting early symptoms of panic attacks and help prevent the onset of a panic disorder. As parents, we should be vigilant in our kids' emotional and mental well being by keeping open and healthy communication line with them. We should know that fears are part of the growing up years of our child, but when it starts to impede daily activities and social interaction with other family members and other children, do not hesitate to ask your kids what the matter is.

Constant reassurance and outpouring affection help in preventing increased anxiety levels. Also, it would definitely help if we keep calm ourselves. Children are more predisposed to suffering from anxiety attacks if the parents frequently display increased anxiety.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Who Else Wants to Understand Panic Attack Symptoms and Overcome This Disorder?

Panic attacks are chapters in a persons life where in his entire body and soul goes into a state of chaos. The heart rate increases and beats like drums. Breathing gaps become shorter and quicker. An uneasy feeling sets in. Cold hands and cold sweat. Feeling jumpy and panicky. It seems like the end of the world.

What is happening? Is it just some sudden rush of emotions? Is it a real panic attack symptom or just a mistaken cause? Is the mind playing tricks or is it something deeper than that?

When checking for the causes of panic attacks, they are quite obvious. First, check if the heart rate increases. Parallel the feeling to running away from a very angry lion that is chasing after you. Another symptom could be the arrival of chest pains, which causes difficulty in breathing. Others include an upset stomach, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and numbness in the hands or chills.

One of the symptoms is the fear of experiencing future panic attacks. Funny isn't it? But it is true. It is the thought of having an expected threat that brings anxiety even if nothing is happening yet. There is an anticipation of something that has not happened yet nor will there be any chance of it happening. Thus, this will start triggering an attack, which can develop into a phobia.

Fear can lead you to do things you have never thought of doing in your life. While in that state, you do not care what other people will think or say. The important thing is to avoid or evade the fear by any means necessary.

What is so fascinating about having an attack is that it can come without warning and can happen anytime and any day. A persons age, affluence or family name is not a reason not to have it. Researchers say that a persons first panic attack can happen between the ages of 15 to 19. It could be because of the peer pressure or the demanding environment a growing teenager is exposed to.

Panic attacks can last for a few minutes and can stretch to hours if it is not dealt with. But for the victim, the minutes seem like forever and they pray that it will go away quickly. He feels that he is in a state of craziness. He feels like he is one step closer to death.

Therefore, the primary panic attack symptom is fear. Fear needs to be faced head on, addressed and uprooted. This disorder has a way of enslaving you. But we should know that it has no power to enslave us if we do not give into it. If you see these symptoms in your life, then you should address them right away. Do not be shy to go to your doctor and ask for advice and treatment. It is better to treat it this early than have it years from now. Cure may be far fetched if we prolong the treatment. It is time to break free from it. You can do it!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Smiles During Christmas

The most priceless experience parents could ever have is to see their children smile from ear to ear after receiving their most cherished Christmas gifts. It makes you feel that you could buy them almost anything with the glorious reward. Kids are the greatest appreciator of things. They're easy to uplift and easy to satisfy than adults that's why it's really something I always look forward to during Christmas. I am always excited to wrap my presents for my nieces and nephews and of course my kids too!

Christmas is a great time to share, to give and to see the kids enjoy this season of the year. If you're unsure as to what to give this Christmas, here are just some of our suggestions!